Set in Arizona on the US/Mexican border, this crime drama follows two Border Patrol agents who succumb to temptation when they find a large pile of drug cash. Problem is, they’re not the only ones after that money.

Dani Reyes and her partner Jack Butler work for the US Border Patrol in the very busy Douglas, Arizona. The pay’s not great but hey, it’s a job with a pension. They both dream of something more. Jack wants his own food truck so he can better take care of his pregnant wife. Dani is trying to keep her sick and elderly family at home under her care, but the medical bills are piling up and it’s hard to find a support system.

While on routine patrol, the Agents look forward to checking in on their favorite locals – Rick and Lynette Granville. Instead, they stumble onto a bloody crime scene. Someone has brutally murdered the elderly couple who apparently have been running a very successful smuggling operation. The sweet old couple run guns, drugs, and probably people, between the US and Mexico using a sophisticated tunnel between Mexico and the basement of their barn. And one room in the tunnel is piled high with US Currency, enough cash to make Jack and Danni’s economic woes disappear forever.

It only takes a split second for Danni and Jack to agree to keep all the money they can carry. But can they avoid discovery with the spotlight of an international investigation on them?